“We are all different.
Don’t judge, understand instead.”
― Roy T. Bennett, 
The Light in the Heart

Hello and Welcome!

Here is little me and my brother Chris. Growing up I loved taking care of other children, organizing playtime, and coming up with challenges for (often crazy) “learning” experiences… Like the time when – a few years old me – happily waived to a neighbor while climbing on the rooftop or that other time when I fell off the tree and accidentally pushed my older sister into a bush of nettles… or when … Yeah, I will better stop here ;). Well, years later – I still keep my craziness as I am trying to put it into my passion for learning and teaching children and adults. I am a friend, teacher, certificated Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor, salsa dancer, traveler, and an HSP (Highly Sensitive Personality) ambivert woman. Welcome to my world. I am glad you are here :).

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